David regularly speaks with audiences in the UK, the USA and elsewhere in connection with three main topics:
- Leadership and overcoming challenges
- Organisational learning, change, and growth
- Interpersonal relationship skills
He has a reputation for making complex subjects simple enough to manage and for providing insights that are both practical and powerful.
The format can vary from a 15-20 minute keynote to a one and a half hour talk and Q & A, or whatever fits your agenda. David always tailors his material to what is live for your audience at the time—“walking with the audience,” as some have described it. In a longer session, say half an hour upwards, David will commonly devote half the time to conveying material relevant to your audience and then open up a dialogue around how those insights can best be used in the particular circumstances of the individuals and organisations present. Alternatively, depending on the topic, sessions can be almost entirely participative in a workshop style, making for an effective networking event, for example.
To discuss the possibilities, please email David or call +44 (0)141 955 2104.

David Fraser is a compelling speaker who can convey complex principles with ease and clarity. We found his talks to be fun, interactive and memorable with plenty of practical tips and food for thought.
Steven Mitchell, 6 Degrees Networking

I very much enjoyed listening to David’s thoughts on this absolutely fascinating topic. Each of David’s steps could provide a day’s seminar on their own. David provides an informative, practical, structured approach to this vital skill and area of leadership. His mastery of our question and answer session really brought the subject home on a practical level to the audience.
Craig Vickery, Head of ACCA Scotland
Thank you for your talk. I found it very encouraging & thought provoking with areas of learning for all of us.
David Nicholson, Membership Manager, Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce
It was a very full, engaging and insightful workshop that you offered as a rare and helpful gift for everyone present. You were very generous in giving as much of your learning and yourself as you did.
Drew Pryde, Chairman, Scottish Institute for Business Leaders
Your talk was excellent and inspiring.
Roger Dunnett, Partner, Walker Dunnett & Co, Chartered Accountants, Business Advisers and Independent Financial Advisers

A very talented and engaging speaker. The speech was perfect and hit all the right notes for the evening.
Prof. Anton Muscatelli, Principal, University of Glasgow
I am sure I speak for the rest of the attendees in telling you this was a thoroughly engaging encounter.
Graham Hayward, Deming Learning Network
To discuss the possibilities, please email David or call +44 (0)141 955 2104.